The Iran-United States Claims Tribunal was established on 19 January 1981
by the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United States of America to resolve
certain claims by nationals of one State Party against the other State Party and
certain claims between the State Parties. To date, the Tribunal has finalized
over 3,900 cases. Currently on the Tribunal’s docket are several large and
complex claims between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United States of
The Tribunal has jurisdiction to decide claims of United
States nationals against Iran and of Iranian nationals against the United
States, which arise out of debts, contracts, expropriations or other measures
affecting property rights; certain "official claims" between the two Governments
relating to the purchase and sale of goods and services; disputes between the
two Governments concerning the interpretation or performance of the Algiers
Declarations; and certain claims between United States and Iranian banking
institutions. Claims had to be filed with the Tribunal by 19 January 1982.
For more information on jurisdiction see the following documents.
General Declaration
Claims Settlement Declaration
Tribunal Rules of Procedure
On 27 November 2020, the Full Tribunal issued a Correction to Award No. 604 and a Decision on Request for Correction and Additional Award in case No. A15 (II:A).
The Correction to the Award and Decision are available for download
, including the separate opinion of
Judge Nikbakht